From May, 2018

Could I be cursed? – by Simone

Could I be cursed? It’s honestly beginning to feel that way! I must have been a very very bad person in my previous life! So after I wrote about having a good cancer check up and bloods, I went for my annual CT scan just as a routine additional check. The next day I was sitting in the SAA lounge about to fly to Johannesburg when I received a call from my dear plastic surgeon to tell me that they had found a growth in my uterus 10cm x 9cm. I was completely calm and carried on my day as…

Today you would have been 2 years old – by Simone

My darling Thomas Today you would have been 2 years old my precious little boy. 2 years since all 700grams of you entered this world and fought so hard to live. And 2 years also since you left us, after only being with us for 3 precious hours. I spent time with you and your sister at your bench this morning, did you hear me singing happy birthday to you? Anyone watching would have thought I was a complete nutcase! I was there over the time that, 2 years ago, you decided that it was time to enter this world…

Celebrating a good cancer check up – by Simone

I had my 6 monthly cancer check this afternoon with my oncologist and plastic surgeon. I had been quite worried about it to be honest. I was pretty convinced that my cancer markers would have gone up again. With everything that my body has been through over the last few months, I honestly never assumed it would be any different. My body has been tested almost more than it was able to deal with and I know that that is when issues in your body, like cancer, are often exposed. But my tumour marker has stayed nicely low and they…