From April, 2018

Tonight is a tough night – by Simone

Tonight is one of those nights where everything suddenly seems to catch up with me. I am STILL in hospital with one damn complication after another. I was initially admitted back into hospital on Wednesday morning to give me some fluids, see if I needed a blood transfusion and it was expected I would be out in 24 hours. Instead, I started having massive spiking temperatures and it seemed that I have an infection/s and that surgery was on the cards for today (this was always a last resort for Steffi). The blood cultures came back today showing that I…

Our 4th pregnancy, precious but too short… – by Simone

It’s hard to know where to start with this next chapter of our lives. A much shorter chapter than we would have liked but important nonetheless. I guess the summary is, I was pregnant, carried until 10weeks and 5 days and then had a miscarriage. But as with our family, it’s never as simple as that, is it?! For those who have been following our blog, you will know that we have desperately been trying to have another baby. I had 9 operations last year, some to try and fix my uterus, some to retrieve some very precious eggs for…