From January, 2018

My Lymph Node Transplant – by Simone

This blog started off as a medium to be able to help us cope with the loss of our children, and in that way, also reach out to others and help them cope with their loss in any way that we could. Over time, this has morphed into a bit of a diary about our/my life – covering the death of children, our journey with grief, life’s disappointments, cancer scares, IVF and so much more. And more often than not the honest way in which we share here is pretty scary. Because putting your stuff out there is scary, being…

2017/2018 – Looking back and looking forward – by Simone

This blog post has taken me the longest to write and it feels completely ineloquent and unprofound. Normally at the beginning of a year I am fired up, able to reflect on the year that has past, and also look forward to the year ahead with some good goals that I actively aim to achieve. I also always ensure that I spend some time on the 1 January thinking and writing, putting my thoughts and goals down on paper. And somehow this year, I am finding that quite hard to do. Almost like I just can’t find the energy to…